The king of handicrafts: Circulo yarns from Brazil

We are the official importer and distributor of Circulo products in the Baltics.


Our location

Harjumaa, Lääne-Harju Parish, Laulasmaa Village, Tooma vkt 8, 76702

Check out Circulo products

As a wholesaler of Circulo yarns, we offer a wide range of premium yarns and craft supplies to ensure you have the best materials for knitting and crocheting.

Quality from Brazil

1938. In 2002, Leopoldo Jorge Theodoro Schmalz began his dream of producing yarn and thread for handicrafts.

Today, Circulo is one of the largest textile industries in Brazil. Since then, the company has been conquering the country with quality products made to market trends. With each product, Circulo offers innovation and modernity through unique colours and textures, without neglecting tradition and care for quality raw materials.

Our aim is to provide the best products and the best service to our thousands of customers. Circulo impresses with its quality control processes from the moment raw materials arrive at the factory to the moment the products are shipped to customers.


Circulo is committed to sustainability

Innovation and

Circulo’s development is the result of vision and strong will. These qualities have positioned us as a major supplier of fashion and decorative yarns that provide many craftspeople with satisfaction, beauty, leisure and a source of income.

Circulo achievements and history